MORE ZVUKOV cultural network is the arts collective entirely devoted to bringing the most interesting modern music from Russia and the exUSSR to European, and particulary Dutch, audiences. Mostly in the form of concert organisation, but also CD distribution or tour management.
Considering the growing Russian speaking population in the Netherlands and increasing interest of Dutch society to modern Russian culture MORE ZVUKOV intends to satisfy the interest of Dutch public to unknown and attractive and the potentially limitless resources of modern Russian music.
Modern Russian music is unknown in the Netherlands on the broad scale. MORE ZVUKOV has started to bridge this cultural gap by organising concerts for the most interesting Russian performers who represent worldwhile Russian modern culture.
MORE ZVUKOV is an ideological branch of SKIF √ Sergey Kuryokhin International Festival - the annual multidisciplinary international festival in St.Petersburg.
Some words about the name: MORE ZVUKOV, анкэье гбсйнб or лнпе гбсйнб. "More" in Russian means "a sea", "zvuki" = sounds. So "More zvukov" can be "a sea of sounds", but also could mean "more sounds". Interpritate it how you would like to.
Natasha and Stefan
Post address:
S.van der Burg
Voorstraat 71
3512 AK Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel: +31-(0)6-14329802